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Mohd-Azlan Jayasilan. 2014. Where are the carnivores? Saving the Endangered Bornean Carnivores. Research Update 10:1, 19.

Tisen, O.B. and Mohd-Azlan J. 2013. Recent record of a flat-headed cat from a rural area in Sarawak, Malaysia. Cat News 58 Spring: 40-41.

Mohd. Azlan J. 2013. The Conservation of Carnivores in Sarawak: Research Priorities. I-FoRST 1: 15.

Mohd. Azlan J. 2010. A brief perspective on biodiversity conservation values from an Islamic viewpoint and their teaching in Malaysian educational institutions.  FRST Research Bulletin 1: 2-3.

Mohd. Azlan J. 2004. Fake tiger parts seized in Sarawak. Cat News 40: 6, IUCN, SSG. U.K

Mohd. Azlan J. 2003. Tiger conservation in Peninsular Malaysia. Cat News.38:6-9 IUCN, SSG.

Mohd. Azlan J. Engkamat Lading  and Munau .2003. Bornean bay cat photograph and sightings. Cat News. 39: 2, IUCN, SSG U.K

Mohd. Azlan J. 2003. Rediscovery of the Bornean Bay Cat In Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo). Website: Wild Asia. Net.

Dionysius S.K. Sharma and Mohd. Azlan J. 2002. Tiger-human conflict in Peninsular Malaysia: Tiger Conservation in Peninsular Malaysia; A look at tiger human conflict resolution initiatives. In : Jackson, P. (ed) Tigerlink. 8(1) :20-21

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